Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The End

Well, I made it. An entire month of eating clean and consuming zero sugar (aside from sugars found in foods naturally) and I survived. I even had fun. And I lost 10 pounds. The best news, though, is that my goal in doing this - to change my bad habits and insatiable taste for all things junk - was achieved. And now - just 28 days later - I feel like this is something I can keep up. It's something I want to keep up because I have never felt better. Well, perhaps in my 20s, but I digress...

It's definitely a change in mindset and, most definitely, requires some preparation on a daily basis almost, but if I can do it, anyone can. And I challenge you to try. You'll be glad you did.

So, I'm pressing on with eating clean. I'll even continue to avoid sugar for the most part. But I will allow myself the occasional, guilt-free treat. Like a cupcake. Which I have a date with on March 19th when we celebrate Macie's 1st birthday. Can't wait.