Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The End

Well, I made it. An entire month of eating clean and consuming zero sugar (aside from sugars found in foods naturally) and I survived. I even had fun. And I lost 10 pounds. The best news, though, is that my goal in doing this - to change my bad habits and insatiable taste for all things junk - was achieved. And now - just 28 days later - I feel like this is something I can keep up. It's something I want to keep up because I have never felt better. Well, perhaps in my 20s, but I digress...

It's definitely a change in mindset and, most definitely, requires some preparation on a daily basis almost, but if I can do it, anyone can. And I challenge you to try. You'll be glad you did.

So, I'm pressing on with eating clean. I'll even continue to avoid sugar for the most part. But I will allow myself the occasional, guilt-free treat. Like a cupcake. Which I have a date with on March 19th when we celebrate Macie's 1st birthday. Can't wait.


  1. Congratulations! I'm very proud of you!

  2. WHOOP!! You did it! So proud!

  3. Yay! You're an inspiration! I hope you'll keep blogging cause I enjoy your writing!
