Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 10

Since I'm new to eating clean I've been reading a lot on the subject. Mostly, because I'm interested in learning more about it, but also so I can , somewhat intelligently, answer questions people keep asking me about it. I will admit, I am a bit of a dummy when it comes to nutrition. I guess I just glazed over that part in Health class in 9th grade, or wherever it was we were supposed to learn that stuff. Before this, I did not know a monounsaturated fat from a saturated fat or that macro-nutrients existed.Though I did know that trans fats were bad, but only because "No trans fat!" is splashed on a lot of products these days meaning it must be bad if manufacturers are trying to sell us their products by stating it's not in there. Anyway, I ran across this online last night and thought it summed up clean eating quite nicely. Just in case you've been wondering.

I particularly liked this part:

Once you get in the habit of Clean Eating, you’ll generally find that your cravings for less healthy foods are reduced. However, even the cleanest eaters will want to celebrate a birthday with some cake or maybe eat a dish of Fettuccine Alfredo at a nice Italian restaurant.

Clean Eating is about averages, not the exceptions. Many people give themselves one meal each week when they get to break the rules a little bit. There is nothing wrong with this provided the rest of the week, you’re eating properly. The benefits of the other six days of healthy eating will far outstrip one indulgent meal — especially if you are exercising regularly. A lot of people won’t even try Clean Eating because they get hung up on what they can’t have. Don’t. Focus on what you can eat, and give yourself one meal as a reward for your hard work. This will help you stay committed to Clean Eating as a style of eating for the long haul.

People keep asking me what happens when when February is over. Am I going to continue? And the answer is yes, I want to. I really, really want to. But I gotta have a cupcake every now and then. And chicken tikka masala. With naan. And this guy is saying that's o.k. as long as it's not everyday! That. I can live with.

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