Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 17

Without question, taste is subjective. (Especially in non-food matters, but that's for another day, another blog.) We don't all like the same things. And that's o.k. I have a friend who will not eat anything containing mayonnaise, or cream cheese, or eggs. She simply doesn't like these things. And while I find that crazy, (if it were up to me mayo and cream cheese would be added to the list of super foods) I understand. Her aversion to these things is not unlike mine to bell peppers - they just ruin the flavor of the foods they are in. No matter how many times, or how many different ways, I try them I just don't enjoy bell peppers. And who wants to eat food they don't enjoy? Not me. And especially not me for the rest of my life. That's why eating clean scared me at first. I did not think healthy foods, could possibly taste good.

I'll admit - the first few days I was feeling deprived. I mourned the loss of good food. But looking back it was because I was ill prepared. My pantry and fridge were not equipped for this. There was a lot of food in the house, but very little I could have. Don't we always want what we can't have. But once I went to the store and stocked up on the things I knew I could eat, it was fine. And each week gets easier. I find myself looking forward to meals and filling my body with stuff that's actually good for me. I know this is going to drive my husband crazy because he thinks I have turned into some kind of nut, but I get excited talking about it because of how good I feel. The food I would have never considered before, I am finding I actually like, and - dare I say - prefer. It's a matter of taste. And mine's a changin'. Do I still crave a burger? Of course! But I now know that there are healthier burger options out there (bison, lean turkey etc.). Needless to say, my concerns in starting this challenge are all proving to be unfounded. Food is just as satisfying to this foodie now, as it was before. And that surprises me.

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