Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The End

Well, I made it. An entire month of eating clean and consuming zero sugar (aside from sugars found in foods naturally) and I survived. I even had fun. And I lost 10 pounds. The best news, though, is that my goal in doing this - to change my bad habits and insatiable taste for all things junk - was achieved. And now - just 28 days later - I feel like this is something I can keep up. It's something I want to keep up because I have never felt better. Well, perhaps in my 20s, but I digress...

It's definitely a change in mindset and, most definitely, requires some preparation on a daily basis almost, but if I can do it, anyone can. And I challenge you to try. You'll be glad you did.

So, I'm pressing on with eating clean. I'll even continue to avoid sugar for the most part. But I will allow myself the occasional, guilt-free treat. Like a cupcake. Which I have a date with on March 19th when we celebrate Macie's 1st birthday. Can't wait.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 23

I've been struggling the past couple of days, really wanting something sweet. I sort of expected it around this time of the month. (You girls know what I'm talking about!) It's taken all I have to not down a 1/2 box of vanilla wafers (they smell soooooo good when I am getting them for Maggie) or to eat a sleeve of graham crackers as I'm getting them for her afternoon snack.

Ah, temptation! And I used to give in. Quite often. Actually, I'm a bit shocked at the amount of mindless snacking I used to do. I'd like to think it's something all moms struggle with. It would start at breakfast. I'd always cut the crusts off of Maggie's Cinnamon toast, and promptly eat them. Then it would be a few Cheetos as I was putting them on her plate for lunch, or a handful of vanilla wafers or graham cracker sheets at snack time and then a leftover chicken nugget (or two, or three!) left on the plate after dinner. Seriously, I was eating an extra meal in calories just in mindless snacking.

A lot of the problem was my poor eating habits. I never ate breakfast, aside from the toast crusts. So, of course, by lunch time I was starving and ready to eat whatever I could get fast, usually something non-nutritious that would wear off by mid afternoon. Then I would get home, starved again, and that's when the easily-assessable cookies and graham crackers would come into play. Then it was time for dinner and I'd eat mine and, sometimes, whatever was left on the girls' plates. Then it started all over the next day.

This is where I think eating 5-6 small meals a day have helped me - starting with a healthy breakfast. I really don't allow myself to get overly-hungry anymore. And the food choices really do make a difference. I can't say enough about this. My apple and natural peanut butter, or veggies and hummus go way further than the moon pie and candy bar ever did. It makes it so much easier to avoid the sweet temptations when I'm not starving! I'll admit, I was skeptical at first about eating "so much." But I'm finding that I'm not eating any more than I used to - I'm just more aware of everything I put in my mouth now.

Even after 3 short weeks, I know that I'm still going to have those days where all I want to do is eat. But being equipped with good, health choices really does make all the difference.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 17

Without question, taste is subjective. (Especially in non-food matters, but that's for another day, another blog.) We don't all like the same things. And that's o.k. I have a friend who will not eat anything containing mayonnaise, or cream cheese, or eggs. She simply doesn't like these things. And while I find that crazy, (if it were up to me mayo and cream cheese would be added to the list of super foods) I understand. Her aversion to these things is not unlike mine to bell peppers - they just ruin the flavor of the foods they are in. No matter how many times, or how many different ways, I try them I just don't enjoy bell peppers. And who wants to eat food they don't enjoy? Not me. And especially not me for the rest of my life. That's why eating clean scared me at first. I did not think healthy foods, could possibly taste good.

I'll admit - the first few days I was feeling deprived. I mourned the loss of good food. But looking back it was because I was ill prepared. My pantry and fridge were not equipped for this. There was a lot of food in the house, but very little I could have. Don't we always want what we can't have. But once I went to the store and stocked up on the things I knew I could eat, it was fine. And each week gets easier. I find myself looking forward to meals and filling my body with stuff that's actually good for me. I know this is going to drive my husband crazy because he thinks I have turned into some kind of nut, but I get excited talking about it because of how good I feel. The food I would have never considered before, I am finding I actually like, and - dare I say - prefer. It's a matter of taste. And mine's a changin'. Do I still crave a burger? Of course! But I now know that there are healthier burger options out there (bison, lean turkey etc.). Needless to say, my concerns in starting this challenge are all proving to be unfounded. Food is just as satisfying to this foodie now, as it was before. And that surprises me.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 15

My first round of Girl Scout cookies were delivered yesterday. (What? doesn't everyone order more than one round?) A box of Thin Mints. My fave! But instead of immediately opening them and eating 1/2 a sleeve (and that's showing some restraint) like I would have, say, two weeks and one day ago, I placed them in the freezer at work where they will remain indefinitely.

Thing is, and I've said this before, I really am not missing the sugar and the sweets. And that surprises me because it's my affinity for all things sweet (especially York Peppermint patties, cookies, and anything with frosting) that prompted me to start this challenge. I just wanted to see if I could do it. Now I am finding that I look forward to my daily snack of apple slices and a couple of tablespoons of natural peanut butter. Or some other fruit and a "scant" handful (What's a scant even? I have interpreted it to mean not quite a full handful, instead of just looking it up.) of unsalted nuts. Who knew! I challenge all you other self-proclaimed sweet-toothers to try this for yourself. You can get all the sweetness from the fruit and avoid the sugar crash later. I think you'll find it just as satisfying.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 14

The halfway point!

I'm still waiting for that extra energy boost to occur after eating clean for two weeks now, but I'm beginning to think that with 2 kiddos, it may never happen. I've resigned myself to that. I will say, however, that I really do just "feel" healthy. I can't explain it, but my body really does feel different, maybe not so sluggish. It could just be a mental thing, but it's a good thing for sure. Oh, and I've lost 6 lbs. Bonus!

Hope everyone has a GREAT Valentine's Day!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 10

Since I'm new to eating clean I've been reading a lot on the subject. Mostly, because I'm interested in learning more about it, but also so I can , somewhat intelligently, answer questions people keep asking me about it. I will admit, I am a bit of a dummy when it comes to nutrition. I guess I just glazed over that part in Health class in 9th grade, or wherever it was we were supposed to learn that stuff. Before this, I did not know a monounsaturated fat from a saturated fat or that macro-nutrients existed.Though I did know that trans fats were bad, but only because "No trans fat!" is splashed on a lot of products these days meaning it must be bad if manufacturers are trying to sell us their products by stating it's not in there. Anyway, I ran across this online last night and thought it summed up clean eating quite nicely. Just in case you've been wondering.

I particularly liked this part:

Once you get in the habit of Clean Eating, you’ll generally find that your cravings for less healthy foods are reduced. However, even the cleanest eaters will want to celebrate a birthday with some cake or maybe eat a dish of Fettuccine Alfredo at a nice Italian restaurant.

Clean Eating is about averages, not the exceptions. Many people give themselves one meal each week when they get to break the rules a little bit. There is nothing wrong with this provided the rest of the week, you’re eating properly. The benefits of the other six days of healthy eating will far outstrip one indulgent meal — especially if you are exercising regularly. A lot of people won’t even try Clean Eating because they get hung up on what they can’t have. Don’t. Focus on what you can eat, and give yourself one meal as a reward for your hard work. This will help you stay committed to Clean Eating as a style of eating for the long haul.

People keep asking me what happens when when February is over. Am I going to continue? And the answer is yes, I want to. I really, really want to. But I gotta have a cupcake every now and then. And chicken tikka masala. With naan. And this guy is saying that's o.k. as long as it's not everyday! That. I can live with.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 8

I've got to draw the line somewhere. And that line is plain (non-flavored) yogurt. Why would anyone in their right mind eat this? I really can't think of any reason. O.k., maybe in a situation where you were trapped somewhere and it was the only thing around to eat and your life depended on it. But that's it. It's certainly not for enjoyment. I just threw away a bowl of perfectly good strawberries and blueberries tainted with the stuff. So consider yourselves warned. And, despite my last post about trying new things, I urge you all to avoid it at all costs. You will thank me, I promise you that.

Now on to something that tastes good. I made the following recipe Sunday night and it was so good. My husband even liked it. It was a little spicy, but it could be because I used a tablespoon too much of chipotle because that's what I chopped, so just be wary of that if spice ain't your thing.

Mexican Rice and Beans

3 T Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 tsp Ground Cumin
1 tsp Ground Coriander Seed
1 tsp Cinnamon, ground
1 T Chili Powder
1 cup onion, chopped (one medium)
3 cloves garlic, chopped
2 cups brown rice, cooked
4 cups Pinto beans (I used 2 can of organic beans, but could cook your own if you are so inclined)
2 cups low-sodium chicken stock
3 T of chipotles with sauce (chopped)
2 T Tomato Paste
1 tsp Sea Salt

Heat oil. Add cumin, coriander, cinnamon, chili powder and heat until fragrant. Add onion and cook until tender, add garlic and cook for a minute longer. Add cooked rice and rinsed beans, chicken stock, chipotles, tomato paste and salt. Reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes. Serve hot.

You could also add chicken to this and it would be delish. Enjoy!