Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 15

My first round of Girl Scout cookies were delivered yesterday. (What? doesn't everyone order more than one round?) A box of Thin Mints. My fave! But instead of immediately opening them and eating 1/2 a sleeve (and that's showing some restraint) like I would have, say, two weeks and one day ago, I placed them in the freezer at work where they will remain indefinitely.

Thing is, and I've said this before, I really am not missing the sugar and the sweets. And that surprises me because it's my affinity for all things sweet (especially York Peppermint patties, cookies, and anything with frosting) that prompted me to start this challenge. I just wanted to see if I could do it. Now I am finding that I look forward to my daily snack of apple slices and a couple of tablespoons of natural peanut butter. Or some other fruit and a "scant" handful (What's a scant even? I have interpreted it to mean not quite a full handful, instead of just looking it up.) of unsalted nuts. Who knew! I challenge all you other self-proclaimed sweet-toothers to try this for yourself. You can get all the sweetness from the fruit and avoid the sugar crash later. I think you'll find it just as satisfying.

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