Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 2

It's hard to say if my heightened irritability is from the detox period or the fact that I've been cooped up in the house for almost two full days with a third "snow" day in the forecast for tomorrow. I'm thinking it's mostly the latter as I really have not felt any ill effects yet - aside from a slight headache. It makes me wonder if I'm doing something wrong. I truly expected a few days of major headaches and the shakes and any other myriad of stereotypical detox symptoms. But, overall, I feel fine. Hungry ALL THE TIME, but fine. I am eating 5-6 small meals every day - usually ever 3-4 hours - but I am still hungry. I mean, I just ate dinner like an hour and a half ago and my tummy is rumbling already. Is my body so used to consuming such high calorie foods that it now thinks it's starving? Yet another reason I think I'm not doing something right. Think it's time to reach out to people who've done this before and find out. (Jeayne - that means you! :-))

Off to bed. Must rest for day 3 of entertaining a 3 1/2 year old and a 10 1/2 month old. Lord help me.


  1. Lisa - I remember thinking I was hungry. However, for quite a number of months now, I've become so accustomed to this new way of eating - and I eat A LOT of healthy food - that hunger is absolutely a non issue. I eat all the healthy food I want. One of the things I like the best about following the Whole 30 plan is that I can fill a huge bowl or plate with meat and veggies and eat to my heart's content.

    Drink plenty of water as well. Often we confuse our hunger and thirst signals.

    You're doing great!!


  2. I second what Jeanye said about the water. Also, it helps me to know what my go-to snacks are. When I have the munchies, I try to eat an apple, and then go to plan B if still hungry. A tablespoon of peanut butter (which could bust your sugar rule) and a huge glass of milk is an awesome and filling snack (and satisfying too, in the snacky sense).
