Friday, February 4, 2011

Days 3 & 4

Had I of known when I started this little challenge on February 1 that I would be iced and snowed in, at home, for the entire first four days I might have thought twice. But that's life, right. Always throwing you a curve ball. And you just gotta roll with the punches. Today, in reference to all the ice and snow that has left pretty much all of North Texas stuck indoors, my mom posted this on FB: "I love how God slows us down when we think we have all of this really important stuff to do. It really puts things in perspective." I love that. And I must say, as trying as it has been at times, I have loved every minute of this time at home with my family. But, enough is enough.

Luckily, I've been able to maintain my clean eating, though it's getting tougher as groceries are starting to dwindle! I was so looking forward to a trip to Sprouts or Whole Foods today to load up on everything I needed to restock the fridge and pantry and to try a few new recipes I found. But, alas, looks like that trip will have to wait until sometime tomorrow. I hope. For the sake of everyone I love stuck here with me. I hope!

I have a renewed confidence, though, about this journey. If I've been able to make it through these first four days at home with the pantry so temptingly near, I feel I can make it for the entire month - and maybe more.

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