Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 5

Pretty good day. Got to get out of the house and go to the grocery store which was a mistake of gargantuan proportions. There were so many people and I had to wait for 15 minutes just to check out. But I now have a fridge and pantry full of options. Yay!

I'm super-excited about tonight's dinner. Buffalo burgers and sweet potato fries. I can hardly wait. I have been craving a burger for a week now. I hope it does not disappoint. I'm a little leary because I will be eating said burger on an Ezekiel bun. I've never had one and I'm a little scared. Here's hoping it does not taste like cardboard. I'll let you know.

Headaches are now gone and I have successfully weaned myself from caffeine. Oddly enough, as big of a sweet tooth as I have, I really have not missed sweets. Now chips are another story. I have dreams of opening a bag of tortilla chips and doing some major damage. Hoping that subsides as the days go on. Hope everyone enjoyed the sunshine today! Off to enjoy (I hope) dinner!

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