Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 7

I chide my 3 1/2 year old all the time when eating to "Just try it." "It" being something I know, if she will just try, she will enjoy. Most of the time these attempts are met with tight-lipped grimaces and me wondering why in the heck she just won't try it. And yet, my adult self is not any better. I guess we're just comfortable with what we know we like.

At the beginning of this journey I was having an internal pity party about the limited food choices I would have. I pored over sample meal plans and food lists and mentally crossed out things I "knew" I wouldn't like. Some I had not even tried before. Well of course that limited my choices! One of the the things I initially dismissed was natural peanut (or any other nut) butter. But when I went to the grocery store over the weekend I made my way to the peanut butter aisle, just to see what the options were. At first I was more than a little put off by the "natural separation" of the oil and peanut butter that occurs with most natural peanut butters. But I decided to take a chance. And I'm glad I did. The stuff is delicious and contains nothing but peanuts and some type of oil. No sugar, no salt. Just plain old peanutty goodness. And when paired with some apple slices is makes for a rather tasty treat. I imagine it's just as good spread over a whole grain English muffin or perhaps spooned into my morning oatmeal. See - a whole new world of possibilities opened up by just trying something new. Next up, brussel sprouts!

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