Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 1

This. Is going to be tough.

I have to admit that I woke up this morning less than enthused about this little committment I've made. In fact I felt a sense of dread. Especially when I found out the girls' schools were closed due to the weather. There's something about being home all day that always brings out the munchies in me. I wanted nothing more than to spend the cold morning drinking my usual coffee-flavored cream and sugar while dreaming of a pot of chili, or chowder or other cold-weather staple. Anything other than what I knew I would be eating today. "You can always start tomorrow" I could hear the voice in my head say. And I was so tempted. But I overcame. My desire to, for once, follow through with something I started kicked in. And while it wasn't easy; it was not as bad as I thought. Starting with the cup of black coffee. I kind of actually enjoyed it.

I caught myself many times today ALMOST sticking something restricted in my mouth. A cheeto as I put some on Mags plate for lunch. (Hey, I only said I would be eating clean!) One of Macie's sweet snack puffs. The things I would normally just eat without thinking!

And then, I had an apple. The first thing to resemble a sweet that I had all day and I don't think I've ever enjoyed an apple as much as I did that one. I actually sat there and savored every bite of it's crisp, sweet goodness. Perhaps that's what this is all about.

All I know is that it's going to be a long 28 days.

1 comment:

  1. You'll be surprised at how quickly the time goes by and by how GREAT you start to feel - as soon as the initial fog lifts. Way to go, girl. I'm rooting for you!
