Monday, January 31, 2011

Hi. I'm Lisa...

...and I'm a junk-food addict. There I said it. And I think I've hit rock bottom. At least I feel like I have. There has been a battle going on inside of me for some time now. A battle between what I know I should eat and what my Epicurean self actually chooses to eat. Maybe it's because I'm getting older (and a midlife crisis looms?) but I have been thinking a lot about the food (mostly crap) I actually put into my body. But not just me - the stuff I allow my girls to put into their bodies, for the sake of ease and convenience on me mostly. And yet, as bothered as I am by it, I have done nothing to remedy it. But I think it's time.

Last week I decided that in February I am going to eat "clean" for the entire month. And then I said as much on Facebook, which means I'm kind of committed. Then I had the idea to start a blog to chronicle my adventures into clean eating, because - quite frankly - I really feel I'm going to need a vessel for the monster that will be the sugar-free me, to vent. At first anyway. I'm hoping to learn a lot about myself along the way - and about the way I think, and feel, about food. I'm looking forward to (I hope) renewed energy. But most of all I'm hoping to develop good, healthy habits that I can pass on to my girls. I'd like to save them from years of yo-yo dieting if I can help it. It's no way to live.

It's not going to be easy. You're talking about a girl who may eat a fruit and vegetable a week, and it's usually fried. But I look forward to the challenge, and to breaking my addiction to the stuff that's really just weighing me down (pun intended). I look forward to sharing my journey - the good, the bad and the ugly - with you. I promise to be completely honest, and I apologize in advance if you are on the receiving end of an irritable, sugar-free me as I detox. They say it only lasts about a week. We'll see...

1 comment:

  1. You can do it, Lisa. Baby steps! And I'm so glad you're blogging, because I am looking forward to gaining inspiration and ideas. I've been TOO lazy lately.
